
Starting an Upholstery Project and Need Help Identifying What Steps to Take?

I can help you with identifying and understanding the beginning steps of upholstery and in the process assist you in building a life skill and making your environment aesthetically pleasing for you and your family.

Where to Start

You just moved in your new place or you want to redo your existing space. You received furniture items that are not really your aesthetic, you don’t know where to start with making it your own. Here are some questions you need to ponder.

  • What color palettes are you drawn to. Color palettes create intention and how things will look .
  • How do you feel about the chosen colors you decided upon.
  • Consider the activity level in your home.

Fabric and Furniture

  • Understand what type of fabric you will use to cover your items.
  • If you have children and/or pets consider fabric that does not need a lot of attention.
  • Look for fabric with durability and stain resistant.
  • Easy to clean.

Wish List – Look Book

To give yourself a starting point

  • Look through your favorite magazines.
  • Look at Pinterest to get some ideas.
  • Put together a look-book on your phone or get a notebook and do an old fashioned cut and paste from the magazines.
  • Set aside an hour of quiet time after you have gotten things settled for the day and start your process.

Does the idea of upholstery frighten you. Don’t be. You have to start some where. Making your upholstery project an expression of you is your end goal.

Do You Want To Learn About Upholstery?

I can help you with that. Here is what to do next.

1.    Not sure where to begin? Need step by step instructions. We have a quick reference guide you can read to become familiar with the process.

2.    Need help getting started? Get a list of the most used items to start your project.

3.    Ready to tackle a project? Download a tutorial guide on how to get started.

Hi, I am Sheila Crew and I want to help you Make Upholstery An Expression of You. Starting over in life is never easy for any of us no matter what your circumstances may have been or are now. The purpose of this website is to help provide a safe haven for those of you who are having to remake your lives for you and families. I want to extend a helping hand to those who are just starting over again and want to learn the basic skills of upholstery. Sometimes in those circumstance you may find you are not able to purchase brand new items for your new space. Maybe you received an item of furniture from family members, thrift stores, antique shops, you can make those items look exactly the way you want them. Not just for aesthetics but to help you build your self confidence and learn a life skill. I hope to help with your new found endeavor through the craft and skill of upholstery.

Color Palettes


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