What Questions Should You ask Yourself in the Process?


  • What is going to make me happy?
  • How will my new environment make me feel safe?
  • Can I gain the freedom and what will give me the greatest amount of freedom?
  • What are my true interest?
  • Will I be able to help others in my process?
  • What am I good at?
  • Do I have passions or unfulfilled passions?

Why should you ask yourself these questions. The whole point of your new life is to start over with a new perspective. To reframe your life in a way that you will feel comfortable and get reacquainted with yourself again and gain clarity about the direction you would like to go in.



Change doesn’t happen overnight. So take this opportunity to take steps towards making changes to move you closer to your intended goals.


Do you have a flurry of thoughts racing through your mind? With that said It is important to be clear as much as possible with how you want your new life to look and feel like. You can accomplish this starting a journal to set your intentions and will be used as your road map. 


Will journaling get all the racing thoughts out of your mind?  If journaling is not for you, find inspirational pictures of what you would like to see in your life. There is no one size fits all to do this. Your life and journey is yours along and just remember, it is your new journey.


Did you know According to the American Psychology Association (APA), https://www.apa.org/ approximately one half, that is 50 percent of all individuals will be exposed to a least one traumatic event in their lifetime. In some cases, there are some individuals who will be able to absorb the trauma over time and many survivors will have long lasting effects which will lead to disturbances in your everyday functioning.

Many survivors are currently living with PTSD experience symptoms that are both chronic and severe which include nightmares, insomnia, somatic disturbances, difficulty with intimate relationship, fear, anxiety, anger, shame just to name a few. 


Research indicates that women are twice as likely to develop PTSD, experience a long duration of post traumatic symptoms and display more sensitivity to stimuli that remind them of the event.


For example, going to a professional will help you gain clarity along with. finding a group or close friend group you feel comfortable sharing your story with which helps to relieve the pressure you feel internally. You can share some your experiences which will be no easy task because not every person’s journey or experience will mirror yours. However, it helps to talk about some of your experiences and get feedback from others to ensure you feel okay about where you landed.

You need a support circle which will help you gain insight. Which can look like traditional therapy, a friend group or faith-based group.  Let’s face it, we keep so much to ourselves and bottled up out fear, shame, and judgement. Don’t be ashamed! 


We are hesitant to seek help for fear that we will be blamed for what happened. and we tell ourselves “I’m okay” .That is why I mentioned finding a support network Looking To The Future With Celebration to help you through the event you have experienced.

It can be scary, but I promise a good scary. 


Sharing is caring!